miércoles, 25 de agosto de 2010

All you need is love.

Since i was  little , music has been a really important part of my life, and now i think is even more important, is something that i really enjoy and i truly believe that i could not live without it. There is this group, in especial, that has been really important, because it has been part of my life, always.

The beatles, for me, are the best of the best. My father, who is a big fan to, show them to me when i was just a little child, at first i didn't understand, why there where such a famous and important group, so i started to listen to them a lot, and to read a little bit to about them, then i really get why everyone liked them, and why they were what they are now. I liked them so much, and no just because of their music (that is really magical), and their lyrics, but they are so great to me, and everyone i think, because of what they represent, it amazing how four people could created such a revolution, and mark and era, the beattlemania, people were crazy about them, even now. It's unbelievable how now children that are like 10 years old liked them to, and they now all of their song, that represent i think, how they will be alive forever, there is no other group in the world that could be compared with them, just because what they are, and how they are impregned on peoples life all over the world.
" All you need is love"