viernes, 19 de noviembre de 2010

English at the university.-

This semester, my only experience learning english at the university, it has been good, it has been really different of how i learned english before, at school for example the english was very poor, so when i was really young i learn like my bases at school, but then when i grew up i could not lear much more, then i think that i've learned just watching TV or movies, because I've always watched a lot of american series, and i learned a lot of english with them, now i've change the TV configuration to watch some programs that are in spanish, in english. And here, it has been different, it's a little bit more funny, I enjoy that.

The way of teaching i think, it's good, i like when we talk a lot, i truly believe that that's the best way of learn, i think that most of the people have problems with talking, and how to be more spontaneous in a conversation, and here we talk a lot and create a great enviroment to talk, and not be shy about it, so we could learn more to be more dinamic in a conversation. The blogs thing, i liked it to, i really like to write, so it has been entertaining, and i think that it has make me think in english more.
I think that something good of having english this semester is that i'm starting to think in english again, that was somethin that i was not doing for a long time, it has make me talk more too, before of this semester i was almost forgetting that i'd liked english, as i was not doing anything in english, and i was not practicing it.

Even though, there were a few things that i did not like, like to much listening, that in my opinion wasn't really useful, or the doctor's exposition that i think it could have been of something more interesting and more related of our studies, in general it has been a great experience, it has helped me to remember how much a like english, and to talk more.

jueves, 11 de noviembre de 2010

RAE changes.

In the last few days, has been really commented about the changes that the RAE is making to "simplify" the ortography. Their are making a lot of changes on what we all now as "good orthografy", so this has been really polemic, there's a lot of people criticizing that this could be an excesive relax of the standars governing our language. 
There are a lot of weird conventions that had been changing in the history, but we didn't know, cause they are really unusual, and nobody really cares that much, but this time, the changes are in words that are really common to us, so everyone is talking about it, and is difficult not to care.
For example,  the accents that distinguish the context are over, so, this mean that "sólo" or "éste" have no longer accents, now, the "solo" of lonely is the same of the "sólo" of only if, even in confused cases as "voy solo al .." that could be interpretated as, im going alone, or i'm going only to... The RAE thinks that this cases are not that frecuent, and they are easy to settle by context, that is not worthit to use the accents. But the RAE also said that, in this cases, people are able to use it or not.
Another example, is that now "ex" "anti" or "pro" are no longer separate of their next word, tradiccionaly they were considered as prepositions and should have an espace before their next word, but now the RAE thinks of them as a prefix, so they have to be alongside the other word, as an only word.
There's a change that has cause a lot of polemic, that is,the change of the letters name the "y griega" now it's going to be "ye", so the "i latina" now is only "i", and the "v" it could only be named as "uve" no "b corta" or i don't know any other name, so that leaves just one "b", and "w" is gonig to be "doble uve".
And i could go on with these, there's many other cases that are causing discussion, in all media.
In my opinion, there are a lot of changes that i'm agree with, like the letters name, to evoy confussion, and to generalize them in any spanish speaker country. But there are others that i think are not that good, like the accents thing, i think that they confussed more of what they clarifies.

lunes, 1 de noviembre de 2010

We're all stressed out!

At this point of the year, is unavoidable to hear everyone talking about stress, specially in our enviroment. University is the place where people under stress concentrates, at this days there's some much things to do, so much things to study, to read, that is to difficult no to get stress, just to think about it, make me get stress.
For me, it is imperative to find an intern quiet, and have time to distract, to find that balance where you don't get lost in your books or studys, or just thinking about everything that you have to do, and be capable to get time to play some sports, or just spreading in anything unimportant.
Stress affects people in many different ways, it depends a lot of how your mind is prepared to received that great amount of study things. People who are more mentaly clear, are less vulnerable to get more stress, but there are some people who can't deal with it.
I think that is really important to know how to organize your time, you should be able to find a way to put in order all the things you have to do, and prioritize, you just have to be carefull with how you managge your time.
So, at the end, clearly you're gonna be stress, but in some part you are responsable of how much of that is going to affect you, is important to stay calm, and keep yourself in a healthy harmony, always seeking to have time for fun, cause if you don't, you're gonna be the only one that will have a very bad time.
Seize the day. Carpe Diem.