viernes, 22 de octubre de 2010

"Let's face it, men and boys just have different brains from women and girls"

Is there a feminine brain and a masculine brain?
It is a fact that men and women are different, but how much of those differences we can attribute to our brains connections?
It is also a fact that feminine and masculine brains are morphological and functionally different, but when we said that masculine and feminine brains are different, we, and almost all people refer to a way of thinking, a way of being.
There are some works that shows, that men and women think differently, because of a different on our brains. It has been said that feminine brain has more developed all the communication area, everything that come with the relationships, like listening, understanding, and of course, talking and men, everything that is about mechanical things, more practical.
So, even if in general, it really occurs that men and women are different, there is no study that really shows, with scientific experiments how processes in our brain, like neuronal connection, make that gender difference in the way of thinking.
And that, those difference that exist, are smalls, and they are relay to variations in general, and not related to gender, there’s nothing that keeps women off of learning some analytical stuffs, or men who are really good at communications matters.

Nowadays that difference barely exist, I think that is true that the structural and functional differences on men and women brains does exist but does not make differences on our ways of being and thinking. That is something that today it is showing more and more, women are equally capable of learning math, or doing some mechanicals work, and men are as good as women listening and understanding human relationships (well, almost).
So, I’m agree, difference exist, but they are not determinant, and men and women, can be equally good at everything J

miércoles, 6 de octubre de 2010

A healthy lifestyle, is it posible? How?

Even though now a day it is very difficult to have a healthy lifestyle, I really think that it's actually possible.
We live in a society that stimulate a very unhealthy lifestyle, it is very easy to fall into all of those things that provides you to hurt your body and soul, starting with food, you can find junk food in every corner, and they make it seems like it's the greatest placer in life. 
Then you have a lot of worse stuffs, like cigarrs, alcohol and drugs, they are so easy to get, and each day they are more comon in our lives, and starts to appear even more early in children life.
Techological progress, i think, make people be so lazy, new equipment are made for people to do less things by themselves, and we get used to that, things make our own work, or videogames, that make kids stay in their houses playing, instead of getting out and move, make some exercises.
On the other hand, it is actually difficult to do exercises without paying, streets are not prepared for  jogging, and even more, it's so dangerous to ride a bike without bike baths, they are so difficult to find, and cars are taking over the streets, again, they are more comfortable, and faster.

All of this, i believe, make us so easy to lead a very unhealthy lifestyle. However, i still think that if you really want, you can have a really great life, without excesses, making exercises, eating well, and taking care of every detail of your health, it is not that difficult.
Me, for example, I used to smoke, and do no exercises, then I realized that i was causing a lot of damage to my body, since this year I don't smoke, and i'm playing football twice a week, it is not that much, but i think that it's good for a start.
So, to have a healthy lifestyle, all you have to do is want, it's not going to be easy, the world it's against it, but it's doable, do it!